Free, easy crossword puzzles for children featuring themes related to different categories!

Here are some of the categories:
los verbos – verbs
el cuerpo – body
la cara – face
cómo se siente? How does she feeling?
animales de la granja – farma animals
animales salvajes – wild animals
vida marina – sea life
los bichos – bugs
las mascotas – pets
los colores – colors
las figuras – shapes
los utiles escolares – school supplies
los meses del año – Months of the year
los días de la semana – days of the week
las frutas – fruits
los vegelates – vegetables
la cocina – the kitchen
el patio – the backyard
el dormitorio – bedroom
los números 1-10 – numbers 1-10
los números 11-20 – numbers 11-20
los números 21-30 – numbers 21-30
la ropa – clothes
las herramientas – tools
los juguetes – toys
el transporte – transport
los verbos – verbs

These games can be played online or printed and solved on paper.

We think that a lot of kids like word search puzzles, or sopa de letras, in Spanish. We add a visual clue for each word, and additional sound, so you can learn the Spanish pronunciation, and make the puzzle a much more valuable language learning activity.

This set of word search puzzles is designed for native Spanish speakers and each has different options to do, all of the puzzles are 9×9, 12×12 or 15×15, if you want you can allow diagonals, and backward words, and print the solution.

Word searches is a really good resource for reinforce vocabulary, pronunciation and fun time. Click this link for printable word search puzzles in Spanish.

A fun way to learn Spanish
Especially for kids of all ages.

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