The demand for Spanish language education in the United States continues to grow, making 2024 an exciting year for teachers and students. With an increasing […]
Why OnlineFreeSpanish Stands Out from Other Spanish Websites: A Guide for Teachers
In today’s digital age, educators have many online resources for teaching Spanish. However, not all resources are created equal. OnlineFreeSpanish offers a unique and comprehensive […]
Engaging Spanish Learners with Online Free Spanish Puzzles
Spanish teachers seek innovative and practical resources to engage our students. One such resource is the interactive puzzle available at OnlineFreeSpanish. The tool offers a […]
MonkeyBet is BACK!!!!!!!
In a world where communication knows no bounds, the ability to speak multiple languages has become increasingly valuable. Spanish is one of the most widely […]
Embracing Easter: A Celebration of Renewal and Joy
As spring blossoms, it brings a sense of renewal and hope, marked by one of the most cherished holidays in many cultures worldwide: Easter. This […]
Unmasking the Magic of Halloween with OnlineFreeSpanish’s “Día de brujas” Resources
Halloween, the spooky, fun-filled holiday, is just around the corner. This time of the year is all about jack-o’-lanterns, costumes, eerie decorations, and the thrill […]
Felices Pascuas – Happy Easter
Aprende el vocabulario sobre la Pascua en español con nuestras actividades gratuitas en línea; además, incluimos la pronunciación de cada una de las palabras con […]
Los números 1 a 100 – Numbers 1-100
Aprende el vocabulario sobre los números 1 a 100 en español con nuestras actividades en línea gratuitas; además, incluimos la pronunciación de cada una de […]
Canción – Los números – 10 gaticos.
The team of A fun way to learn Spanish Especially for kids of all ages. facebook: onlinefreespanish twitter: freespanish youtube: onlinefreespanish
The Benefits of Using the Spanish Summer Camp to Improve Your Child’s Language Skills
Practice makes perfect, for that reason we created the Spanish Summer Camp to Improve Your Child’s Spanish Language Skills! Once children learn Spanish, they necessarily […]
Earth Day and Language Skills – Children Learn How to Protect the Environment in an Engaging Way
Día de la Tierra (Earth Day) is one of the most complex and helpful Spanish lessons within “Holidays and Celebrations” chapter, bringing a number of […]
¿Cómo se siente ella? – How is she feeling? – ¿Cómo se siente él? – How is he feeling?
This poster can help you to identify how the kids are feeling in your class. You can print the poster and laminate it, the […]
Los colores – colors lesson!
Los Colores Learning the colors represents an important step towards enhancing Spanish language skills. “Los Colores” is a lesson that aims to help children learn […]
April National Poetry Month – Manuelita la tortuga – María Elena Walsh
El poema de hoy es “Manuelita la tortuga” de la poeta y compositora argentina María Elena Walsh. MANUELITA LA TORTUGA Manuelita vivía en Pehuajó pero un […]
Rimas en Español – Letra: Z – z
La rima de hoy es con la letra Z – z: Rima: Letra Z – z A fun way to learn Spanish Especially […]
Rimas en Español – Letra: Y – y
La rima de hoy es con la letra Y – y: Rima: Letra Y – y A fun way […]